OMOP_5.4_ER : Model

Entity - concept_class link

Name Value



Table Description

The CONCEPT_CLASS table is a reference table, which includes a list of the classifications used to differentiate Concepts within a given Vocabulary. This reference table is populated with a single record for each Concept Class.

CDM Field User Guide ETL Conventions Datatype Required Primary Key Foreign Key FK Table FK Domain
concept_class_id A unique key for each class. varchar(20) Yes Yes No
concept_class_name The name describing the Concept Class, e.g. Clinical Finding, Ingredient, etc. varchar(255) Yes No No
concept_class_concept_id A Concept that represents the Concept Class. integer Yes No Yes CONCEPT

Data Model Physical
Primary Key Constraint Name xpk_concept_class
Primary Key Clustered Unspecified
Unlogged false

Columns Summary
Column Name Data Type PK / FK Nullable Description
concept_class_id varchar(20) PK No
concept_class_concept_id int4 FK No
concept_class_name varchar(255) No

Relationships Summary
Name Begin End
 fpk_concept_concept_class_id : Relationship
 concept_class : Entity
 concept : Entity
 fpk_concept_class_concept_class_concept_id : Relationship
 concept : Entity
 concept_class : Entity

Columns Detail
Name Value
Name concept_class_id
Type varchar
Nullable false
Unique false
Primary Key true
Index false
Type Name varchar
Length 20
Scale 0
Id Generator native
Foreign Key false
Generated Unspecified
Sync To Attribute Yes

Name Value
Name concept_class_concept_id
Type int4
Nullable false
Unique false
Primary Key false
Index false
Length 0
Scale 0
Id Generator native
Foreign Key true
Generated Unspecified
Sync To Attribute Yes

Name Value
Name concept_class_name
Type varchar
Nullable false
Unique false
Primary Key false
Index false
Type Name varchar
Length 255
Scale 0
Id Generator native
Foreign Key false
Generated Unspecified
Sync To Attribute Yes

Relationships Detail
Name Value
Name fpk_concept_concept_class_id
Foreign Key
 concept_class_id : Column
Primary Key
 concept_class_id : Column
To Multiplicity 0..*
From Multiplicity 1
Sync To Association Yes
Data Model Physical

Name Value
Name fpk_concept_class_concept_class_concept_id
Foreign Key
 concept_class_concept_id : Column
Primary Key
 concept_id : Column
To Multiplicity 0..*
From Multiplicity 0..1
Sync To Association Yes
Data Model Physical

Appears In
 Vocabulary_With_Standard : Entity Relationship Diagram
 Vocabulary_Tables : Entity Relationship Diagram